CAMO 47 

“Judge not your beauty by the number of people who look at you, but rather by the number of people who smile at you.”

African Proverb 

Every woman in Kenya manages to dress well, no matter her budget. One reason for this is the second hand markets in Kenya- particularly the well known Gikomba Market in Nairobi. Under the hot equatorial sun, bales of clothes are opened up for personal selection amidst the shouts of vendors and all sorts of accessories, from shoes to handbags to belts can be bought.

In her childhood, the Artist and her friends would spend many hours wandering the market many times buying sunglasses with hard earned pocket money as a stylish relief from the bright sun for one hundred Kenyan shillings. It was at Gikomba Market where the Artist purchased the sunglasses of Camo 47.

Photography, 2022

Jet Ink Print of FineArt RAG+ Matt 310g mounted on aluminium dibond in black pre-made float frame

