“A strong tree shall always grow from the roots and not the seeds.”

African Proverb

In Camo 39 the eyewear takes chunky African hair beads and reimagines them as sleek, Afrofuturistic glasses perched over the model's eyes. This image is a reflection of the narrative of the New Africa, a rising movement that fuses modern and traditional elements and reimagines them in new and exciting ways. Traditionally, these beads were made from wood, but the magic of Afrofuturism allows the eyewear to glisten as so much more.

Part of the message behind Camo comes from the Artist's desire 'modernize history' where she draws from historical elements to inform our future generations about our past. The Artist took a historical hairstyle from the Himba tribe- two long braids and the shaven center that young Himba girls wear- and translated it into a modern Camo interpretation. Found in Namibia, the Himba tribe use their hair as a way to mark age and social status, and this hairstyle is a fitting focus as Thandiwe seeks to help the younger generation have a fresh appreciation for what is past, traditional elements that they never would otherwise interact with and presenting it in a powerful, Camo way.

Photography, 2022

Jet Ink Print of FineArt RAG+ Matt 310g mounted on aluminium dibond in black pre-made float frame


Camo-39 Thandiwe Muriu Low Res