CAMO 31 & 32

“You are not born a leader, you become one.”

African Proverb

An everyday item becomes a power woman’s enhansement in Camo 31. Thandiwe Muriu turned the humble steel wool scouring pad into statement green aviators for her high necked domina. Steel wool is found in every homestead in Kenya because it efficiently scrubs the commonly used Sufuria (Swahili for an ‘aluminium cooking pot’) to shining perfection. And every good Kenyan housewife knows that it is a mark of pride to have all her many sufurias glistening in sliver perfection in her kitchen. The Artist has many childhood memories of taking her turn to wash the dishes, using steel wool to quickly scour the sufurias used to cook that day’s family meal, then stacking the cleaned cooking pots like a Russian babushka doll before dasing off to grab her camera for a photo session with her sisters.

Photography, 2021

Jet Ink Print of FineArt RAG+ Matt 310g mounted on aluminium dibond in black pre-made float frame